Join us on March 29 for our Good Friday service at 6:30 pm. We’ll remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross through a time of worship, the taking of communion together, and a message from our Lead Pastor, Michael Ritchason. Parking is available in the side lot for first time guests, expectant mothers, families with small children, and people with disabilities.
Join us for Easter at Riverside on Sunday, March 31 at 9am & 11am! Bring the whole family because Riverside Kids and Riverside Yth will be having their own special Easter services as well!
Come early to get a parking spot & enjoy some coffee from Riverside Cafe before the doors open. You'll see a map with parking info below.
If you're inviting someone who's attending for the first time, we have NEW GUEST parking for them in the side lot! This space is also for anyone who is handicapped, expectant mothers, & families with small children. You'll see that marked in red on the parking map.
Think of who you'd like to see sitting next to you on Easter Sunday & hit the "Invite" button on the Facebook event to let them know about the services! You can also invite them to watch LIVE on our YouTube Channel at 9 & 11am, if they're not able to attend in person.
Palm Sunday Services – Sunday, March 24 at 9 & 11am
Good Friday Service – Friday, March 29 at 6:30pm
Easter Sunday Services – Sunday, March 31 at 9 & 11am
Riverside Community Church
207 NE Monroe St.
Peoria, IL 61602
Questions? Give us a call at 309-676-7700