led by Phil Luciano
Freedom ministry for me was life-changing. We can be saved but not be free. I did not realize that the devil works overtime to keep Christ-available freedom a secret and keep us feeling as if we are failing or letting God down. When I heard about Freedom Ministry it just stayed on my heart that I needed to go through it. I wish I'd known about this 20 years ago. What an impact it would have made on my life and my living for the kingdom! I felt bondage break, yokes destroyed and freedom come! I am no longer afraid; I am bold as a lion because I truly know now the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God for the tearing down of strongholds! If you struggle with ANYTHING in your walk with God, there may be bondage! Please…PLEASE come and get free! I am forever changed and on fire.
“Going through a freedom session was nothing short of miraculous for me. The Holy Spirit literally erased a fear that I had and I know this because I had to face that fear the very next day after my freedom session. The lightness one feels is nothing short of extraordinary. Others see it in you too, which is a powerful witness and testimony.. It was the one of the single most important things I have done in my Christian walk.”
"For me, Freedom Ministry was the personal process that allowed Christ to deliver me from torment and burdens I had been carrying for years. It was a powerful breakthrough and has changed my life. Jesus was there to deliver me, and Freedom Ministry walked me through the steps to make it happen. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
“Freedom Ministry was a defining moment in my life. Even as a Christian for almost 30 years, I had never really seen or heard of the power of deliverance. It’s one thing to hear and believe Jesus came to set the captives free. It’s another thing to experience it first hand. The first time Freedom Ministry was suggested to me, the words “nope, no way” left my mouth. I was nervous and hesitant to share private personal details, especially with people within my own church. However, I knew if the enemy didn’t want me to go through with it, then it’s the very reason I should. The inner healing resulting from my session has been transformative! I truly feel it’s only now that I have really started living life. Even my family noticed a difference. I highly encourage EVERY believer to prayerfully consider this powerful ministry!”
"As I went through Freedom Ministry, the Holy Spirit began to take the fear out of my life that had been there for so so long. I started letting fear go in different areas of my life. It's so liberating; it's so free. I really thank God for the Freedom Ministry at Riverside Community Church."
“ In the Freedom session, we prayed about Matthew 18: we each need to fully forgive others so we can fully have the Lord’s peace. Until then, I’d thought I’d forgive a person who had caused me pain years before. But during the session, the Holy Spirit showed me that I hadn’t truly forgiven that person in my heart. With the help of Jesus, I immediately forgave that person completely and soon found a new sense of peace, something I’d never felt before. Praise God!”